For the Nikon 1 V1.
If you knew where your still images were captured, you could relive those moments
ever the more vividly. With the GPS unit GP - N100, you can automatically store
GPS data when you shoot still images. Adopted with Assisted GPS ( A-GPS ), the unit
can quickly measure your location, without bothering you from shooting. When
used in combination with the ViewNX 2, which can plot your images on a map,
or mapping services available on the Internet, you can easily transport yourself to
the same location again and again. You can even look up the name of the town
you were in, or look at a list of places you had visited, and retrace your journey.
E a c h t i m e y o u c a p t u r e a m o m e n t , t h e w o r l d a n d y o u r m e m o r i e s b e c o m e o n e