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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the projected images always green using Night Vision technology?

The human eye resolves detail best at the wave length of green light.

Why do you focus both the front (Objective lens) and Eyepiece (Ocular lens)?

You do not see through the Night Vision device, like a pair of binoculars.  Rather, you see an
image on the phosphor screen on the back of the image intensifier tube. The objective lens
focuses the image on to the front of the intensifier tube. That image is then converted into
electrons.  The electrons strike the phosphorous screen converting electrical energy into a
visible image.  The eyepiece focuses your vision on to the image on the phosphorous screen.   

What is the effective range of Night Vision?

Maximum range depends on the light conditions and the size of the object being viewed.
Overcast conditions, fog or rain will reduce the effective distance you can see.  The
Infrared Illuminator will increase viewing range, especially in areas of complete darkness
where there is no ambient light available to amplify.

What is the maximum effective distance of the Infrared Illuminator? 

75 to 125 yds.  The farther the object, the less intense the infrared light will be on the target.

Are Night Vision devices safe?

Night Vision products include shield-encased image intensifiers.  The infrared illuminator
utilizes light emitting diodes (LED’s) operating in the infrared range and will not harm your
eyes like a laser.  


Do not point Infrared Emitter directly into eye at close range. 
The infrared Emitter emits a BRIGHT, although invisible, beam of light.
As with any bright light, do not point into the eye.

Recognize that the image produced on the phosphorous screen can be very bright.  Staring into
a very bright light causes the pupil to constrict.  Your eye needs time to adjust to ambient light.

Why does the image still appear after I turn the device off?

The image intensifier tube remains charged and electrons continue to strike the phosphor,
creating the image. After the charge in the tube dissipates, the image will then disappear.

When can I expose the unit to light?

For demonstration purposes there is a pinhole in the lens cap, which enables you to power
the device on in the light. The lens cap can be taken off during daylight, but the unit has to be
powered off.

What is Generation 1? How does it differ from other Generations of Night Vision devices?

Generation 1, 2, 3 and 4 all employ electron bombardment technology.  All of these
technologies convert light into electrons and reproduce the image on a phosphorous screen.  
Generation 1 produces a higher resolution image than Generation 2. 
Generation 3 and 4 are used by the United States Military and are very expensive.    
Generation 2, 3 and 4 use a fiber optic device and/or special chemicals to further amplify light.

Performance under Various Light Conditions

Complete Darkness

Your Night Vision device works by amplifying available natural light. In complete darkness,
with no available natural light, you cannot see without the use of the Infrared Illuminator (IR).
The IR works like a flashlight, but is invisible to human and animal eyes.


A half-moon provides a substantial amount of ambient light to be amplified by the internal
Electronic Intensifier Tube.  Without the assistance of the IR, you can recognize a man-sized
object about 100 yards away.


A starlit night provides the minimal amount of ambient light to allow viewing unassisted by
the IR. The IR will greatly improve target recognition.

Urban Environment (with man-made light sources)

Streetlights and headlights will generally not damage the Electronic Intensifier Tube, if a safe
distance away. As a precaution, do not point the device directly into a light source. At a
distance of more than 30 yards, most common man-made light sources will generally not
damage the device.


Unit may require several seconds after power-on for image to appear. This is normal.

Focus Problems 

Try in lighted environment with lens cap on.
Are you able to focus the eyepiece?  

• YES -  Use in dark with lens cap off but do not rotate eyepiece. 
• NO -  Call our Customer Service Line 

Unit does not turn on.

Light does not illuminate when button is pressed.

• Check to see if battery is installed correctly

• No battery
• Dead battery
• Power light on, but no image
• Unit could be defective, call our Customer Service Line 

Image is too dark

• Use the Infrared (IR) Illuminator
• Take off the lens cap

Projected image is dim.

• Battery is low – insert new battery



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