PC Interface
Initiates communication with a PC. The optional SpeedCoach Interface required. The SpeedCoach
Communicator software comes with the interface hardware, or can be downloaded for free from:
Displays the model, software version, ID and FCC information for the unit. US/FCC: KQLAC4490-100, CAN/IC:
2268C-AC4490.The code version is also displayed on the splash screen when the unit is powered on. H 1.08
is the code version, and Amer, Eur or Aus indicates the region that the radio is approved for use. (Amer -
North America, Eur - Europe and UK, Aus - Australia and New Zealand.) The XL 3/4 radio is not approved for
use in any other countries.
WARNING: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Factory Default Settings
All new XL units are shipped from NK with the following settings. Performing a full system reset will restore
all settings to these factory defaults.
Just Row
Memory type:
Memory interval:
100 m
Workout 1: 4x (5’ on, 4’ off )
5min, 4min, Loop 4x
Workout 2: 2x 1000, 2x 500
1000m, 4min, 1000m, 4min, 500m, 3min, 500m
Workout 3: 2x (6x (30 st, 20 st)
30 strokes, 20 strokes, Loop 6x, 10min, Loop 2x
Workout 4: Pyramid (Time)
4min, 3min, 2min, 1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 10min, Loop 2x
Workout 5: 4x (500 on, 1 off )
10strokes, 500m, 1min, Loop 4x
Unit Name:
Group Name:
Private ID:
Heart Rate Sensor (XL4 Model Only)
In order to display heart rate on the SpeedCoach XL2 display unit, you must have a sensor attached the the unit and
mounted on your boat, and you must be wearing a chest strap. Most coded or non-coded chest straps will work with the
XL. To attach the sensor to the XL, simply insert the plug and twist. Then run the wire along the side of the boat, securing
it with the included cable ties inbetween the track and the gunwale. The ideal location to mount the sensor is on the side
of the boat, in line with the stroke rate sensor and oriented perpendicular to the stroke rate sensor. If the sensor is
mounted inbetween the tracks, the seat magnet can potentially cause inconsistent heart rate readings. Try to mount the
sensor so that the chest strap always remains within 3 feet of the sensor.
Units: m, m/s, /500m
Speed Mode: Pace
Stroke type:
2006 Jul 01
AM 12:00:00
Cal value:
Cal Distance:
Window A:
Window B:
Window C:
Window D:
Stroke Rate
Window E:
Heart Rate (XL4), Blank (XL3)
Window F:
Time, User ID, Batt
Just Row:
1500 data points
500 data points
System Settings
This menu contains various system settings.
Stroke Type
Set to:
Seat: Calculates the stroke rate based on a seat magnet (rowing shells with a seat magnet).
Touch Pad: Calculates the stroke rate based on touching a touch pad. In this mode, stroke rate
is updated every 2 strokes.
Impeller: Calculates the stroke rate based on changes in boat speed measured by the impeller
(canoes and rowing shells with out a seat magnet).
Paddle: Calculates stroke rate based on a paddle switch (kayaks). In this mode, stroke rate is
updated every 2 strokes.
Set the current date.
Set the current time. Select 24 to set the clock with military time, or scroll through hours to
set AM/PM.
Full System Reset
Select YES to initiate a full system reset. This will return ALL settings to the factory settings.
(See page 12 for the list of factory settings.) ALL memory is erased. NOTE: After performing
a System Reset, the battery indication will be estimated until the battery has been fully
charged. See page 13 for more on charging the battery.
For maximum accuracy, your SpeedCoach should be calibrated to adjust for your boat’s unique impeller
installation and hull shape. (However, even if your unit is not properly calibrated, it will ALWAYS show
immediate, relative changes in boat speed and can be a very useful training tool.)
The SpeedCoach XL has integrated a Calibration Routine that simplifies calibration of the unit to a specific boat
by automatically calculating the appropriate calibration number after rowing some known distance.
To calibrate your unit, you may either enter a known calibration value, or run the calibration routine. When
running the calibration routine, the SpeedCoach XL will guide you through pieces of known land distance and
automatically calculate the appropriate calibration value. You need to have a marked rowable distance. Enter
this distance into the “Cal Distance” line in the Calibration Menu. Then select “Run Cal Routine” and follow the
instructions on the screen. If you row on a body of water with current or tide, the calibration routine will require
you to row the piece twice - once upstream and once downstream - so the current does not incorrectly affect
your calibration number. Once properly calibrated, the measured distance, speed and pace will always be
correct, regardless of current or tide.
Please note that calibration is boat and impeller location specific; i.e. each boat has a unique calibration
number, and if the impeller is moved, the unit needs to be recalibrated. If you are in a team situation where
there are many SpeedCoach units being used in many different boats, it is helpful to note the boat’s
calibration number somewhere on the boat - such as on the deck by the mounting dock - so rowers can make
sure the display unit they are using has the correct calibration number for the specific boat.
The XL uses the following formula to calculate the calibration value:
For example, if the known rowed distance is 1 mile, but the display shows 0.92, the calibration value would be:
(1.00) (1.00) = 1.086
(Old Cal Value) (True Distance) = New Cal Value
Displayed Distance