SpeedCoach XL2 and XL4 display units can measure heart rate when the heart rate sensor is installed and a chest strap is worn.
The ideal location to mount the sensor is on the side of the boat, in line with the stroke rate sensor and oriented perpendicular
to the stroke rate sensor. Try to mount the sensor so that the chest strap always remains within 1 m of the sensor.
At present, NK can only guarantee interference-free readings for XL heart rate monitors when there is only ONE chest-
belt transmitter within a 2 m range of the heart rate sensor at any time. As a result, it is possible to use two monitors in most
pairs or doubles by placing the stroke seat sensor close to the stern end of the seat deck, and the bow-seat sensor close to the
bow end of the deck. In larger shells, the monitors and sensors will need to be at least two seats apart (i.e. at 2 and 4 seats, not
at 2 and 3 seats). In larger team boats, it is likely that heart rate systems in adjacent seats will interfere with each other. (This
includes having a rower wear a personal heart rate monitor in a seat adjacent to a rower using an XL2.)
Install the Heart Rate Sensor:
1) Clean the mounting location thoroughly with an alcohol pad.
2) Peel the backing off the pieces of velcro on the heart rate sensor;
3) Press the sensor firmly onto the deck.
4) Secure the wire with the cable tie mounts. If in the future you need to remove the
wire, simply cut the cable tie and later use a new one to secure the wire.
All boats produce a boundary layer of turbulent water from the bow to the stern. The closer you get to the stern, the more turbulent
the water. The SpeedCoach unit is factory calibrated for correct readings with the impeller installed at 5 meters from the bow of
the boat. This location will typically fall under the footstretchers of a single, or around two seat of a larger boat. Installing the impel-
ler in this location should yield accurate performance even if you don't calibrate your unit. You should avoid placing the impeller
farther than 6 meters from the bow because the water will be too turbulent for the impeller to spin consistently, so accuracy will
be compromised - even if calibrated. (See "CALIBRATION" section for instructions on how to calibrate.)
5m (16' 3")
Select the Impeller and Sensor Location:
- You DO NOT need to drill holes through the hull of the boat to install the impeller and sensor. The sensor mounts to the
inside of the boat, above the impeller, and communicates wirelessly through the hull. While the impeller does not need to be
on the centerline, it must be submerged (if NOT centered be sure to still align the sensor accordingly with the movement of
the boat).
- Measure 5 meters from the bow of your boat, and inspect your boat to select a mounting location for the impeller. Make
sure to select a location where you will be able to mount the speed sensor directly above the impeller. Avoid sealed bulkheads,
ribs and footstretchers. The impeller does not need to be on the exact midline of the boat, but must stay submerged. Keep the
impeller parallel with the keel to minimize drag and steering effects.
- The impeller can be mounted permanently with the included VHB tape, or temporarily with electrical or packing tape. If
you are planning on removing the impeller, you may wish to mark the location with permanent marker so you do not have to
measure when you re-install.
Install the Impeller (Semi-Permanent):
1) Set the impeller on top of the hull in your selected location. Sight down the length of the hull to ensure the impeller is straight.
Mark your mounting location with a permanent pen.