Nieco Corporation - ExVection Toaster 6220
Warranty parts not installed by the servicer will be shipped by your servicer or directly from Parts Town. If you require more immedi-
ate shipment, your service parts supplier may charge additional for expedited freight service.
If you have qualified maintenance employees or wish to use a qualified non-Nieco agency for warranty labour service otherwise cov-
ered under this Nieco warranty, you or your servicer may apply to Nieco for certification as an alternate Nieco servicer. Such servicer
shall be solely responsible to the using customer for all actions and liabilities. If Nieco qualifies such servicer, Nieco will pay sched-
uled warranty allowances to the servicer for warranty work performed. This payment will not include any travel time. Nieco will pro-
vide this schedule and limitations when the servicer is qualified and accepted.
Warranty Parts Schedules
These schedules list common parts that are covered as of March 25, 2013. Nieco may from time to time add, alter or delete specific
parts as the machine specification or parts availability changes. A current schedule can be obtained from Nieco. Any other warranty
work is on an as required basis and will be covered by Nieco servicers.
This warranty is valid for North America and most other countries. Mandated warranties in some countries may vary due to specific
warranty laws, requirements or commercial practices or customs in these various countries. Check with the country Nieco Servicer
for variations from this basic Nieco warranty.
The parts schedules listed are those common parts that are warranted by Nieco. If the part requires service replacement, your Nieco
Servicer will do it, within the terms of this warranty. If your restaurant requires additional service or travel time, your Servicer will
make an extra charge for those services or distances.
Toaster Model: Ex6220
Nieco P/N Description Standard Repair Time
12725 Bridge Rectifier 30 min.
15329 Solid State Relay, 50A 30 min.
18447 High Pressure Blower 30 min.
20371 Transformer, 100-115/ 230V Input, 36V Output 30 min.
21073 Main Control Board 30 min.
21094 Brushless Motor 30 min.
21455 Main Switch, Push Button 30 min.
23476 Element, 10.88”, 1200W, 208V 30 min.