Non-Contact Measurement
1. Place a small piece of reflective tape
(included) on the shaft or moving element
(disc, pulley, etc.) whose speed is to be
measured. If the element’s surface is highly
reflective it may need to be painted a dark-
er color in order to ensure reliable results.
If the distance to the object is less than 5”
(127 mm), reflective tabs (optional) should
be used instead of reflective tape.
2. Aim the tachometer at the reflective tape from a distance of 5”
(127 mm) to 20’ (6.m).
3. Press and hold the power switch for several seconds (when
power button is depressed, laser is active) to observe the display
as it changes according to the speed of the shaft or rotating ele-
ment (as soon as the laser hits the reflective tape, the unit will start
to indicate the speed). If the beam is “on target” the RPM indicator
will be flashing.
4. After observation is completed, retain the reading by releasing
the power switch (to turn off laser) before removing the tachome-
ter from its position. The last reading is displayed for a period of 5
minutes and can be extended any number of additional 5 minute
increments by pressing the memory switch.
NOTE: When switching from the contact to the non-contact mode,
the unit RPM will show on the display and also 5 dashes (-----).
Press the power switch to cancel the dashes.
Contact Measurement
For both RPM measurements and non-RPM measurements,
screw the DT-ADP-200LR Adapter (included) into the front of the
NOTE: Hand tightening is sufficient; do not use excessive torque
when mounting DT-ADP-200LR Adapter
RPM Measurement
1. Place rubber cone tip on the shaft of the
DT-ADP-200LR adapter. Make certain that the
pin on the shaft is properly aligned with the
slot on the cone’s sleeve.
2. Bring cone into contact with the shaft. Ap-
ply only enough pressure to avoid slippage.
3. Press and hold the power switch. During engagement the dis-
play will reflect the proper RPM while the unit RPM will be flashing
above the display digits.
4. Release the power switch prior to removal of tachometer from
rotating object to capture the last reading.
5. After release of the power switch, the last reading (with a
non-flashing RPM unit) will remain on the display and in memory
for 5 minutes, and can be extended any number of additional 5
minute periods by pressing the memory switch.
Rate & Length Measurement
1. Attach the master wheel and select the de-
sired function using the selector switch locat-
ed just below the LCD display (see above).
2. Press and hold the power switch; while the
wheel is turning and the tachometer is mea-
suring the selected function, the function will
be indicated, and the unit of measure func-
tion will be flashing.
3. Release the power switch before disengaging the tachometer
in order to capture the last reading.
4. After release of the power switch, the last, maximum, and mini-
mum readings will be stored in memory for 5 minutes and can be
extended any number of additional 5 minute periods by pressing
the memory button.
NOTE: The memory will clear in 5 minutes after the release of the
power switch.
For steps 1-4 described above, it was assumed that the selector
switch was in the rate mode region. If the selector switch is moved
from the rate mode to the count mode (length), the display will
show the selected function (m, ft, yd, or in) and also 5 dashes (----
-). Press the power switch to cancel the dashes and start measur-
ing the same way as was described above. Once in the counting
mode, the measurement can be stopped at any time and the last
reading will be retained for 5 minutes. There is no maximum or
minimum reading when in the count (length) mode.
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