Flow pipe
The line in which the heated water is transported from the heat pump out
to the house heating system (radiators/heating coils).
Heat exchanger
Device that transfers heat energy from one medium to another without mixing
Heat factor
Measurement of how much heat energy the heat pump gives off in relation
to the electric energy it needs to operate. Another term for this is COP.
Heating curve
The heating curve determines which heat the heat pump is to produce de-
pending on the temperature outdoors. If a high value is selected, this tells
the heat pump that it must produce a lot of heat when it is cold outdoors in
order to achieve a warm indoor temperature.
Heating medium
Hot liquid, usually normal water, which is sent from the heat pump to the
house climate system and makes the accommodation warm. The heating
medium also heats the hot water.
Heating medium side
Pipes to the house’s climate system make up the heating medium side.
Hot water heater
Container where domestic water is heated. Is located inside the heat pump,
but an extra hot water heater can be installed in the event of large hot water
Outdoor air
Air that is drawn into the heat pump and heated.
Outside sensor
A sensor that is located outdoors. This sensor tells the heat pump how hot
it is outdoors.
NIBE™ F470
Chapter 6 |