English –
Maintenance must be performed in strict observance of the safety provisions in this manual and according to current legislation and
The automation’s devices do not require special maintenance; however they should be checked periodically (at least every six months) to ensure com
plete their full efficiency.
To this aim, run all the tests and checks specified under Paragraph 6.1 and consult the maintenance plan of the respective instruction manuals.
Commissioning can only be performed after all test phases have been successfully completed. Partial or “makeshift” commissioning
is strictly prohibited.
Draw up the technical file of the automation which should at least include: assembly drawing (for example as in Fig. 3), wiring diagram (for example
Fig. 8), risk analysis and relative solutions adopted, the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity for all the devices used.
Affix a dataplate on the door, specifying at least the following data: type of automation, name and address of manufacturer (responsible for "com
missioning"), serial number, year of construction and "CE" marking.
Permanently attach to the gate the label supplied in the pack, regarding the procedure for manual locking/release of the gearmotor.
Fill in the declaration of conformity and hand it to the owner of the automation (Annex 1).
Draw up and hand to the owner of the automation the user guide (Chapter 11 – detachable insert).
Prepare and provide the owner with the “Maintenance schedule” form, containing all maintenance instructions for all devices in the automation.
Before commissioning the automation, ensure that the owner is properly informed of all risks and hazards still present.
9.1.1 - Adjusting the parameters (using the transmitter memorised in mode 1)
The transmitter can be used to set a number of control unit operating parameters:
• Pause time:
time during which the gate remains open before re-closing automatically (if the “automatic closing
function is set).
Pedestrian opening:
partial opening mode of the gate, to allow pedestrians to pass through.
• Motor force:
maximum force applied by the motor to move the gate; when this value is exceeded, the control unit interprets the occurrence as an
obstacle stopping the gate and, consequently, inverts the direction of movement.
• SbS Function:
sequence of gate movements associated with the Step-by-Step (SbS) command.
(Open Gate Indicator) function
output to which it is possible to connect a 24 V maximum 4 W warning light.
The adjustment can be effected by means of any transmitter memorised in Mode 1 (as those supplied, see Paragraph 9.3.1). If there is no transmitter
memorised in Mode 1, it is possible to memorise one solely for programming purposes then cancelling it (see Paragraph 9.4).
All parameters can be adjusted as desired, with the exception of the “motor force” parameter, which requires special attention:
• Do not use high force values to compensate for abnormal friction points along the gate’s path: excessive force may adversely affect the operation of
the safety system or damage the gate itself.
• If the “motor force” control is used to assist the impact force reduction system, measure the force again after each adjustment in compliance with the
EN 12445 and EN 12453 standards.
• Weather conditions may affect the movement of the gate, so the latter should be readjusted periodically.
Adjustment procedure
(before proceeding check the parameter to be modified in Table 2 and the action to be performed):
On the transmitter
Fig. 26
) simultaneously press and hold
keys T1 and T2
for 5 seconds then release them.
Within 3 seconds from releasing them, perform the action specified in
Table 2
to modify the desired parameter.
This product is an integral part of the automation and therefore must be disposed together with the latter.
As in installation, also at the end of product lifetime, the disassembly and scrapping operations must be performed by qualified personnel.
This product is made of various types of materials, some of which can be recycled while others must be scrapped. Seek information on the recycling
and disposal systems required by local regulations in your area for this product category.
– certain parts of the product may contain polluting or hazardous substances that, if released into the environment, may seriously damage
the environment and human health.
As indicated by the adjacent symbol, the product may not be disposed of together with domestic waste. Separate the waste into categories for dis-
posal, according to the methods set out by legislation in force in your area, or return the product to the retailer when purchasing a new
– local regulations may include the application of heavy fines in the event of improper disposal of this product.