– English
At this point the NEW radio transmitter will be recognised by the control
unit and will assume the characteristics of the OLD one.
If there are other transmitters to be memorised, repeat all the steps above
for each new transmitter.
5.4.4 –
eleting a radio transmitter
Only if the system features a radio transmitter, you can delete it from the
memory by proceeding as follows.
If the transmitter is memorised in Mode 1, only one deletion procedure
will be needed and at step 3 you can press any button. If the transmitter
is memorised in Mode 2, one deletion procedure will be needed for each
key memorised.
Press the P1 button
(Figure 58) on the control unit and hold it down.
Wait until the P1 LED
lights up, then, within three seconds:
Press the key on the radio transmitter to be deleted and hold it down
for at least three seconds. If the deletion procedure is successful, the P1
LED ill flash rapidly five times. If the P1 LED flashes only once slo ly, it
means that the deletion procedure has not been successful because the
transmitter is not memorised.
If there are other transmitters to be deleted, press the P1 key and repeat
step 3 within ten seconds, otherwise the deletion procedure will be termi-
nated automatically.
5.4.5 –
eleting all t e radio transmitters
With this operation all the memorised transmitters are deleted.
Press the P1 button
on the control unit and hold it down.
Wait until the P1 LED
lights up, then wait until it goes off, then wait
until it has flashed 3 times.
Release the P1 button precisely upon the third flash.
Wait approximately 4s for the deletion process to be completed; during
this time the P1 LED ill flash very quickly.
If the procedure is successful, after a fe moments the P1 LED ill flash
slowly 5 times.
The following table contains instructions to help you solve malfunctions
or errors that may occur during the installation stage or in case of failure.
next 10s, otherwise the memorisation stage will terminate automatically.
5.4.2 –
emorisation ode
With the memorisation in mode 2 of the radio transmitter, any one of
the four commands can be associated to each button: “Step-by-Step”,
“Open partially”, “Open only” and “Close only”.
In Mode 2 each button requires a separate memorisation stage.
Press button P1 (figure 71) on the control unit as many times as the number
corresponding to the desired command, according to the following table:
1 time
“Step-by-Step” command
2 times
“Partial open” command
3 times
“Open only” command
4 times
“Close only” command
Make sure that the P1 LED makes as many quick flashes as the number
corresponding to the selected command.
Within 10 s, press the desired button on the radio transmitter to be
memorised, and hold it down for at least 2 s. If the memorisation proce-
dure is successful, the P1 LED ill flash 3 times slo ly.
If there are other transmitters to be memorised for the same type of
command, repeat step 3 within the next 10s, otherwise the memorisation
stage will terminate automatically.
5.4.3 –
emote memorisation
A new radio transmitter can be memorised in the control unit without direct-
ly operating the buttons on it. You need to have an “OLD” pre-memorised
operational radio transmitter. The “NEW” radio transmitter to be memorised
will inherit the characteristics of the OLD one, i.e. if the OLD radio transmit-
ter was memorised in Mode 1, the NEW one will also be memorised in
Mode 1. In this case, during the memorisation stage you can press any
key on the two transmitters. If, on the other hand, the OLD transmitter was
memorised in Mode 2 you must press the button on the OLD transmitter
which corresponds to the desired command, and the button on the NEW
transmitter to which you wish to associate that command.
Holding the two transmitters, position yourself within the operating range
of the automation and perform the following operations:
Press the button on the NEW radio transmitter and hold it down for at
least 5s, then release it.
Press the button on the OLD radio transmitter 3 times slowly.
Press the button on the NEW radio transmitter once slowly.
The radio transmitter does not
emit any signal (the LED
not light up)
The manoeuvre does not start and
the OK LED
does not flash
The manoeuvre does not start and
the courtesy light
is off.
The manoeuvre does not start and
the courtesy light flashes a fe
The manoeuvre starts but inverts
The manoeuvre is carried out but
the flashing light does not ork
The manoeuvre is carried out but
the courtesy light does not work.
Probable cause and possible solution
• Check to see if the batteries are exhausted, if necessary replace them (Paragraph 7.3.4 “Replacing the
remote control battery”).
• Make sure that the power cord is properly plugged into the mains outlet
• Check to see if the fuses
are blown; if necessary, identify the reason for the failure and then
replace the fuses with others having the same current rating and characteristics.
• Make sure that the commands are actually received. If the command correctly arrives to the control unit,
the OK LED ill make t o long flashes.
• Make sure that the STOP input is active, i.e. that the “STOP” LED
comes on. If this does not happen,
check the device connected to the STOP input.
• The photocell test which is performed at the start of each manoeuvre is not successful; check the photo-
cells, also according to
Table 11
(Paragraph 5.6.1 Photocells).
• The selected force is too low to move the door. Check for possible obstacles and if necessary select a
higher force as described in chapter 5.1 “Advanced adjustments”.
• Check that there is voltage at terminals 9 and 10 of the flasher hen operating (since it is intermittent, the
value is not so important, it must be in the range 10-30V
); if there is, the problem is due to the lamp,
which must be replaced with an equivalent unit.
• Replace the lamp
with one having the same characteristics.
TABLE 10 - fig. 59