Updating the input board
If you have version 34 of the input board you can up-
grade the input card software so that EME 10 functions
If you do not already have an account for NIBE
Uplink, visit the website www.nibeuplink.com
and follow some simple steps. Registering a new
account requires a valid e-mail address (the e-
mail address is required for future log-ins).
1. Log in to the home page www.nibeuplink.com.
2. Click on "Software" at the top of the page and enter
the code, 51805800000000, in the "Serial number"
3. Follow the instructions that appear on the page.
Activating EME 10
Program setting for EME 10 is performed in the menu
Menu system
Menu 3.1 -service info
In menu 3.1 "service info" you can see the current status
of "Status", "Current" and "Average current".
Menu 5.2 -system settings
The heat pump detects the accessory automatically when
searching the menu 5.2, if it does not, activate the access-
ory manually.
You inform the heat pump of what accessory is installed
in menu "system settings". Mark the option "PV - panel
control" (EME 10).
system settings 5.2
external energy meter
external energy meter
outdoor air mixing
photovol control
Menu 5.3.22 -photovol control
In menu "photovol control" set whether you want
EME 10 to affect the room temperature and / or the hot
photovol control 5.3.22
affect room temperature
affect hot water
Based on the choices that you make the heat pump will
do different things with the electricity that is produced.
The function has four different modes of action depend-
ing on the current supplied by the PV panels.
Mode 1
If the PV panels are not generating any current the heat
pump operates normally.
Mode 2
The PV panels generate current that is metered to > 1 A.
The Sun symbol, in menu 1 "indoor climate", lights in the
display and the heat pump operates normally.
Mode 3
The sun symbol lights in the display and, if it is permitted
to affect the hot water, the PV function is set to the lux
comfort mode on the condition that the PV panels gen-
erate current that is metered to > 4 A and the filtered
average value is > 4 A.
Mode 4
The sun symbol will light in the display and, if it is permit-
ted to affect the hot water, the PV function is set to the
lux comfort mode on the condition that the PV panels
generate current that is measured at > 7 A and the
filtered average value > 7 A. If the PV function is permit-
ted to affect the room temperature, the heat curve's
parallel offset is increased by one step. If you use room
sensors, the desired room temperature is increased by
one degree.
EME 10 | GB