All connected NI-9154 chassis must have power connected
before the host system is powered up. The BIOS and OS of the host
system must detect all bus segments on the chassis side in order to
configure the PCI hierarchy. Powering connected chassis up or down
while the host system is running can cause system hangs and data
Do not remove MXI-Express (x1) cables while power is
connected. Doing so can cause hangs or application errors. If a cable
becomes unplugged, plug it back in and reboot.
Wiring Power to the Chassis
The NI-9154 requires an external power supply that meets the specifications. The
NI-9154 filters and regulates the supplied power and provides power for all of the
I/O modules. You must connect a power supply to at least one pair of V and C
terminals. Optionally, you can connect a second power supply to the other pair of V
and C terminals. The chassis draws power from the power supply with the higher
voltage. The NI-9154 has one layer of reverse-voltage protection. Complete the
following steps to connect a power supply to the chassis.
1. Connect the positive lead of the power supply to the V1 or V2 terminal of the
COMBICON connector shipped with the NI-9154.
2. Connect the negative lead of the power supply to one of the C terminals of the
COMBICON connector.
3. Optionally you can connect the positive lead of another power supply to the
other V terminal and the negative lead to one of the C terminals.
4. Install the COMBICON connector on the front panel of the NI-9154.
Chassis Powerup Options
The following table lists the reset options available for the NI-9154. These options
determine how the chassis behaves when it is powered on in various conditions.
Use the RIO Device Setup utility to select reset options. Access the RIO Device Setup
© National Instruments
NI-9154 Getting Started