Method of operation
When the printer is in the power-off
state, load the printing paper, press down the paper feeding
button and turn on the power switch, and then release the paper feeding button, and the printer will
come into the self-inspection procedure to print the information as follows:
MPK1230 Micro-Printer
No.100 Dongjingting Zhongyangmenwai Nanjing NFCP
Nanjing Fujitsu Computer Facility Co., Ltd.
Software version: Ver 1.0
Serial number of product: NF14006
Communication speed: 19200bps
Infrared interface: No
Bluetooth interface: No
Unicode: Yes
Auto sleep: Yes
Power test: 8.06V
*** Image Detection ***
** 12*24 Western Language Character Set **
= 1+_{};[]: “/.,?<WXYZ>
** GB-18030 Random Inspection for Library”
0 x A1EF =
0 x A6C2 = β
0 x B0A1 =
0 x 8669 =
0 x A5C1 =
0 x ECB3 =
0 x 9AFE =
0 x FC63 =
End of self-inspection!
With the printing self-inspection list above, we will obtain the relevant information including the
software version number and power detection amount, which indicate that the machine can
operate in a normal way.
Attention: The voltage of the battery less than 7.1V indicates the low
power of the battery. Please replace the battery.