8.1 Painting
8.1.1 The Vari-Cyclone can be easily painted using an acrylic based spray
8.1.2 Dark colors (red, blue, green, or brown) should take only one coat of
8.1.3 Light colors (white, yellow, or pastels) may take two or more coats. Follow
the instructions on the can of spray paint for applying multiple coats.
8.1.4 To disassemble the Vari-Cyclone, look at the exploded drawing in Parts
Information. This will show you how the fan comes apart. Be sure to use
a bag or cup for storing screws and pins.
8.1.5 There are four (4) parts that are normally painted: the mounting cone
(part #03), the down rod (part #07), motor housing (part #12), and the
hub (part #14). Be sure to remove the set screw from the hub.
8.1.6 The receptacle (part #11) and the pivot ball (part #5) are normally left
8.1.7 Using soft wire, make 4 long “S” hooks so each piece may be hung while
painting and drying.
8.1.8 Follow the instructions on your can of spray paint for proper spraying
technique and drying times required.
8.1.9 Once the painted parts are dry, you may re-assemble the fan following
the diagram in Parts Information.
Copyright 2013 all rights reserved by Nextek Power Systems, Inc. in the United States and in other countries throughout the world.
Vari-Cyclone Ceiling Fan
Installation Manual
Models: 3/4-Blade Vari-Cyclone
Rev. 010713