3) From On-Board Mon. Test menu, use UP/DOWN scroll button to
select a test to view and press ENTER button.
On-Board Mon.Test
Test S01 Data
Test S05 Data
Test S09 Data
If the vehicle under test does not support the mode,an advisory
message will be displaye on the screen.
On-Board Mon.Test
The selected mode is
not supported
Press any key to con.
On-Board Mon.Test
Catalyst Mon.B1
02 Heater Mon.B1S1
02 Heater Mon.B1S2
Heated Catalyst B1
4) Use UP/DOWN scroll button to select the desired monitor from
On-Board Mon. Test menu and press ENTER button.
5) View test data on screen.
Catalyst Mon.B1
Lean to rich
MEAS: 6.0540(V)
MIN: 3.4071(V)
MAX: 4.1642(V)
STS: Fall