Product Installation
1. Hardware Installation
A. Connect NEXDISK to PC.
B. Connect extended USB cable to PC and connect NEXDISK through it.
C. Comes up in My Computer as Removable Media.
Caution] In encrypted password mode contents of the information does not appear.
2. Installing Driver( For Windows98 Users Only)
A. Other OS do not need installation drivers.
B. Installation with Installation CD or Download from our Website (www.jungsoftusa.com)
C. Select “₩DRIVER98₩FREEDIK.INF”and install.
Program Use
1. Format & Mode Selection Program
All contents of the information is formatted and initialized.
Connect NEXDISK to USB Port.
B. Run“NEXDISK.exe” in installation CD.
C. In order to use Password Lock Mode check “Password Mode”or else
leave the check box empty.
D. In order to use Bootable Media option, check
“Make Bootable Media”
E. Select Format type. “Quick Format”, “Format”
F. When you press “Start”, Format is initiated. Indicated below is progress of the format.