Voice Control of Amazon Alexa:
1. Press the Button on the unit, then you can ask the unit through the built-in Mic.
The unit will answer you by audible reply. The typical question and answer will be:
Q: What's the time now?
Q: What's the weather like?
A: The weather is not so cold.
Q: What's the news today?
A: Here is the flash briefing.
A: It's XX (XX=Current time) o'clock now.
Voice command: --- pause/stop the song!
Action: The song will be paused or stopped.
Voice command: --- volume up!
Action: The volume will increase.
Voice command: ---play the song <XX> (XX=Name of the desired song)!
Action: The song will be played.
Voice command: --- volume down!
Action: The volume will decrease.
Voice command: --- fastforward!
Action: The track will be fastwarded.
Voice command: --- rewind!
Action: The track will rewind.
Voice command: --- previous!
Action: The track will skip to previous track.
Voice command: --- next!
Action: The track will skip to next track.
Voice command: --- continue to play!
Action: The song will continue to play.
2. During music playing, press the Button on the unit, then send your voice command: