NewTec Wireless Audio Solu on
Power connec on of the different WiFi speakers
Turn the switch ll you hear the
“plop” from the speaker and it
the LED starts flashing lightly
Thank you for choosing the NewTec WiFi solu on.
In addi on to the high audio quality, the NewTec WiFi solu on is characterized by a
very simple and uncomplicated installa on. The basic principle is that one Trans-
mi er provides, within the transmi er range, an unlimited number of WiFi speakers.
Please check if there are visible damages caused by transporta on. In this case, do
not install the system but contact your supplier.
Connect all the speakers to the power supply. When the
LED is flashing, the speaker is opera onal.
CONO canto WiFi
CONO pendo WiFi
SUB quadro WiFi
WiFi Subwoofer
SUB canto WiFi