Release brake to
adjust the height
Please put the brake on the casters
when the cart is not in motion
All cart maintenance must be carried out at least once a month by a professional technician.
Cleaning warning
Because the cart is in the environment of electrical equipment, the usage of inflammable cleansers are strictly forbidden.
1. Before cleaning the cart, please make sure the cart is unplugged from the mains and switched off.
2. Please ensure the cart is entirely dry before plugging the power into the socket.
3. While cleaning the cart, please use a damp cloth to wipe off the superficial cleansers until completely dry.
4. The cart is not to be used in a moist environment and liquids have to be avoided from running into the cart.
5. To avoid the finishing of the surface being damaged, do not use any abrasive materials for cleaning.
6. Before using any cleanser on the cart, please test them on a small part to see whether it affects the surface or not.
Please note that these guidelines give no guarantee whatsoever in terms of infection control. Kindly consult your medical infection
control specialist for cleaning advice.
Cleaning recommendations
1. Please use non-abrasive or diluted products such as soap water and diluted alcohol to clean the plastic components.
2. In case of spots of pen or maker on the cart’s surface, a soft cloth with 91% isopropyl alcohol is suggested for cleaning.
3. In cased of iodine spots on the cart’s surface, a soft cloth with soap water or diluted alcohol is suggested for cleaning.
The following chemicals are strictly forbidden for cleaning the cart: Abrasive cleansers, acetone , mineral spirits, point thinner or any
other harsh or toxic chemicals.
All cart inspections must be carried out at least once a month by a professional technician.
In case of faults or damage occurring, stop operating the cart and contact your distributor for further assistance.
To allow the cart to move as intended, please inspect the casters regularly and keep the cart away from damaged and irregular surfaces.
lf fasteners/ screws become loose and need to be tightened, do not over-tighten them. Over-tightened fasteners/ screws might not only
cause damage to the screws but also to the components.
The cart is difficult to move
Ensure the two front locking casters are not locked. Check if any debris is sticking to casters and remove it.
The cart is difficult to adjust in height
Ensure the lift brake is pressed completely and lift the work surface slightly, to prevent the work surface to rise too quickly. lf the lift
mechanism still doesn’t work, please contact your distributor for further assistance. Also contact your distributor for assistance if the lift
mechanism keeps going up automatically.
250 mm