28 Software
Auto -Tune Tab
This tab provides access to initiating the auto-tuning process remotely, as
well as to observe the controller performance.
Adjust the control loop gain stability margin to a desired level (low, medium
or high) and click on “Auto-Tune” button. Clicking on the “Auto-Tune”
button here is similar to pushing “Auto-Tune” button on the controller’s
front-panel, with added control over the control loop gain stability margin.
The controller uses “medium” stability setting when auto-tuning process is
started locally.
Clicking on “Enable Damping” or “Disable Damping” buttons to will enable
or disable damping. If the damping is enabled, the “Disable Damping” button
is visible, and vice versa.
Click on “Measure Un-damped Vibration Level” button to record vibration
level with damping disabled. The software will disable damping on both
channels and measure vibration levels over a period of 500ms. The data will
be averaged over several time frames. Number of averages can be set on the
“Options” tab (Section
Click on “Measure Damped Vibration Level” button to record vibration level
with damping enabled. The software will enable damping on both channels
and measure vibration levels over a period of 500ms. The data will be
averaged over several time frames. Number of averages can be set on the
“Options” tab (Section
Both un-damped and damped vibration level data can be displayed in either
frequency domain or time domain. Select either FFT or Time Resp. from the
pull-down menu for desired view. The FFT resolution is 2 Hz. The software
also provides access to viewing the measurements for only one channel or
both channels. Check the “Show Graph” box for showing either single-
channel or dual-channel display.
Click on “Save Data” button to save the measured data. If “HTML” file
option is selected in the “Options” tab, all the graphs are saved in the form of
a report in HTML file format.
If “Text” file option is selected in the “Options” tab, the measured data will
be saved in two (2) files: one for time response data, and the other for
frequency response data. Users will be prompted to select desired filenames
for these files. The time response file contains five (5) columns in the
following order: time stamp, damped data for channel #1, un-damped data for
channel #1, damped data for channel #2, un-damped data for channel #2.
The frequency response file contains five (5) columns in the following order:
frequency bins, damped data for channel #1, un-damped data for channel #1,
damped data for channel #2, un-damped data for channel #2.