Installing Mini SD Card
The Mini SD card slot provides secondary non-volatile storage. The slot is located under the battery. Refer to the
documentation provided with the card
for more information, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.
Please note the following situations will lead to the Mini SD card is not working:
Card metal contact pads are not clean, battery voltage instability, the slot being squeezed, slot internal wire rust or bend
excessively, the card infected with a virus, the card is not properly formatted, damaged cards, slot damage
As shown below to install the Mini SD card, turn the card metal contact points face down then put into the slot.
Installing SIM Card
Take out the battery
Turn the SIM card metal contact points face down then put into the slot
Switch the SIM card cover to lock position
Turn on and verify the net connection
The SIM card slot is located under the battery, and only support in GPRS model of PT-980 II series.
Adjusting the Hand Strip
The PT-980 II Series handstrap is attached to the bottom of the terminal. Adjust the hand strap to increase comfort when
holding the terminal for extended periods of time.