Communication Interface
The EM1365-LD can communicate with the host device through one of the following interfaces:
TTL-232: This interface, in most cases, does not require any hardware modifications to existing
platforms. However, for those requiring RS-232, a TTL-232 to RS-232 conversion circuit is needed.
USB HID-KBW: Based on USB connection, the engine
’s transmission is simulated as USB keyboard
input. It works on a Plug and Play basis and no driver is required.
USB COM Port Emulation: The USB port on the host device is emulated as a serial port with the
same data transmission and configuration as a real serial port. A driver is required.
USB DataPipe
This protocol is defined by Newland. A driver is required when using this protocol to
communicate with scanner.
HID-POS: HID-POS does not require a custom driver. However, an HID interface on Windows 98
does. All HID interfaces employ standard driver provided by the operating system.
The EM1365-LD
’s serial port supports baud rates from 1200bps to 115200bps; it does not support
hardware or software flow control. Its default settings are 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity check and1 stop