If problems with the R7000’s operation while welding are experienced, first refer to the information in
the installation section and paragraphs in the operating section and the fault finding procedure earlier
in this section.
• Most problems with MMA welding are the result of not setting the correct welding parameters for the
welding rod being used. All welding rod packets have information on them in symbolic format, giving
suitable current range, polarity and type of weld (normally called ‘position’). If you are in doubt about
what these symbols mean, ask your welding rod supplier to explain them. Choose an initial current
setting towards the middle of the quoted range and if necessary practice on a piece of scrap the same
thickness as the job to be welded.
• If problems are experienced whilst TIG welding, please consult the fault finding and maintenance
section in the TIG unit instruction manual.
• Any welding problems not covered above must be brought to the attention of a qualified Welding
Engineer, if the problem still persists have the R7000 checked by a trained Newarc service engineer.
4.1 Welding problems