All repair and maintenance works listed in this manual must be carried out only by staff belonging to the NEW HOL-
LAND Service network, strictly complying with the instructions given and using, whenever required, the special tools.
Anyone who carries out the above operations without complying with the prescriptions shall be responsible for the
subsequent damages.
The manufacturer and all the organizations of its distribution chain, including - without limitation - national, regional or
local dealers, reject any responsibility for damages due to the anomalous behavior of parts and/or components not
approved by the manufacturer himself, including those used for the servicing or repair of the product manufactured
or marketed by the Manufacturer. In any case, no warranty is given or attributed on the product manufactured or
marketed by the Manufacturer in case of damages due to an anomalous behavior of parts and/or components not
approved by the Manufacturer.
No reproduction, though partial of text and illustrations allowed.
48144036 04/08/2017
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