The Model 1421 and 1422 Broadband Amplifiers
are housed in a compact unit whose input and
output connectors are Wiltron K-connectors. A
female connector is used on the input to mate with
the male connector used on the output of New
Focus’ High-speed Photodetectors. (See Fig.1.) In
addition, there is a captive screw piercing the unit
that allows the amplifier to be fastened to any
Model 10XX or 14XX Series photodetector module.
The connection is made by removing the left-most
screw on the battery cover of a Series 10XX detector
or using the hole provided on a Series 14XX detec-
tor. The RF connectors should then be mated but
not fully torqued. Next, use a 1/8" Allen wrench or
ball-driver to fasten the captive screw to the pho-
todetector. Finally, tighten the RF connectors to
their proper torque. To allow proper alignment of
the RF connectors, the microwave amplifier hous-
ing floats freely inside the black anodized
casing.The captive screw along with the RF con-
nectors, provides a rigid assembly that can be used
as a unit. The screw is also useful in cascading
many Model 1421 or 1422 amplifiers.