Charging Stati on allows for charging up to 2 Power
Packs. If completely drained each Power Pack requires
4 to 6 hours to charge. Each unit comes with 1 Power
Pack on the unit and 1 Power Pack in the Charging
Stati on.
1. To charge Power Pack, connect Plug to Charging
Stati on . Plug into AC adapter and plug AC
adapter into any standard wall outlet.
(Fig G) & (Fig H)
2. Place Power Pack in one of two charging locati ons
Red dot
up. (Fig
3. Close the Charging Stati on lid to start charging
the Power Pack.
Flashing Red light
indicates that the Power Pack is
Steady Green light
indicates when the Power Pack
is fully charged.
*Charging Stati on may stay plugged in. There is NO WAY to overcharge Power Packs.
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Fig G
Fig H