Connector module
HD-EO version 1 uses the connector module: SDI-C1 (Rev.1 or later, figure 3).
Figure 3: HD-EO (version 1) backplane.
HD-EO version 2 uses the connector module HD-EO-2-C1 (figure 4).
Figure 4: HD-EO (version 2) backplane.
The connector module is mounted at the rear of the sub-rack.
In typical use an HD-EO / HD-OE module at each end will be used. The
electrical input signal is connected to the IN1 or IN2 (DIGITAL INPUT for
version 1) BNC on the transmitting HD-EO, and the electrical output is
connected to an output BNC on the receiving HD-OE (see HD-OE manual for
possible configurations). The fibre cable is connected to the OPTICAL ports on
HD-EO and HD-OE.
Please note that some output BNCs on HD-OE might carry an inverted signal,
so formats like DVB-ASI can not be used on these outputs.