The interval between shutting down twice or power off/on is suggested to be about 10 seconds to
avoid the interference of capacitor inductance and other energy storage components.
Do not press function key and insert batteries in the same time, otherwise, it will enter engineer
testing mode.
Once the battery is removed, the device is at off mode by default setting.
4. Turn off operation is same with “Restore to Factory Setting” operation.
4.2 Join Into LoRa Network
To join the device into LoRa network to communicate with LoRa gateway.
The network operation is as following:
If the device had never joined any network, turn on the device; it will search an available LoRa
network to join. The green indicator will stay on for 5 seconds to show it joins into the network,
otherwise, the green indicator will be off.
If R718MA had been joined into a LoRa network, remove and insert the batteries; it will repeat
step (1).
4.3 Function Key
Press and hold function key for 5 seconds to reset to factory setting. After restoring to
factory setting successfully, the green indicator will flashes quickly 20 times.
Press function key to turn on the device which is in the network and the green indicator will flash
once and the device will send a data report.