NetThings Energy Manager Specification & Installation Manual Download Page 3





Any connected utilities need to be connected  

to a ‘Turned On’ channel. Here is a quick walk 

through a channel set up.

Navigate to this screen via 






When monitoring utilities via pulse you

will have to adjust the scale to match

the pulse of the connected equipment.
Navigate to this screen via 











Name of Manufacturer  

NetThings Limited

Unique reference number (model number)  


Purpose of product (Energy Manager)  

Monitoring building energy consumption


165mm x 95mm x 52mm

Operating temperature range  

0°C to 40°C

Enclosure protection  

IP 20

Level of protection from electric shock  

Double insulation

Case material V0 rating  

Rated fire retardant

Supply Voltage 

220-240V AC

Max power in watts  


Power Supply Frequency Hz  

50-60 Hz

WiFi IEE 802.11 Frequency Band 

EEE 802.11 BG 2.4 GHz 

Type of Memory & Data Storage Capacity 

Internal-4Gb storage greater than 2 years External-microSD card slot for downloading data 

Power supply for display  

12W Switching Power Supply: I/P 90-264VAC unterminated wire for  


spur connection. O/P USB Connection DC 5V. 82.5mm x 40mm x 29mm

Number of monitored channels   

Up to 6: Max of 3 x Electricity via CTs & 3 x any pulse enabled meter

CT Current Transformer related measurements (16mm/24mm)  

Kilowatt and kilowatt/hour kW and kW/h

Real-time, instantaneous Measurements 

Energy units consumed £/h (gas, water, electricity, heat, cooling, solar power)

Continued Utility Measurements  

Historical total energy consumed in currency and kW/h. Carbon CO2

WiFi Security  

WiFi Protected Access (WPA) security protocol and certification program


Whilst NetThings takes all reasonably practical steps  

to design and manufacture its products to comply with the 

requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, all 

products must be properly used and purchasers are reminded 

that their obligations under the Act are to ensure that the 

installation and operation of such products at a place of work 

should be safe and without risk to them. Do not place the product 

where it may be affected by dust, moisture, adverse temperature, 

radio interference or be subject to physical damage.
Do not insert any objects into the Energy Manager or Display.

CAUTION Do not connect or disconnect CTs with the device 

powered up as terminals will be at mains potential!

This information is for reference only. Accuracy may vary 

depending on the type of connection and wiring system used. 


 The NetThings Energy Manager  

or Display require no regular maintenance. Do not spray with 

water or any cleaning products.


1 x NT Measurement Unit, 1 x 5” Table display, 

1 x aluminium tamper free wall mount, 1 x display power 

supply, 1 x CT 16mm and 2 x pulse cable free end 10m 

plus User and Installation guide.


  This product conforms to: ETSI EN 301 489- 1 V1.4.1 (2002- 08) IEC 61643, 61326, 61010, 60529. NetThings Limited, 14 New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL  

NetThings policy is one of continuous improvement and development. The right to change specification and appearance without prior notice is reserved. Document Number 200SM035 Rev.1.2.

This field doesn’t need changed.

Change this to match the correct unit value of energy.

Input the correct pulse value here.

This field doesn’t need changed.

Save your changes.

Select the type of pulse you want to configure here first.

Change the channel type so that the icon is correct.

Indicate what the channel usage will be.

The channel name can be changed to represent  

what is being monitored.

The Monthly balance can be left at zero.

Select the tariff that suits the utility being monitored.

Save your changes.

If on channels 1 to 3 select the correct CT (default is  

CT16) If on pulse channels 4 to 6 select pulse value.

Select the channel that is to be configured.
