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ReadyNAS 300/500/700 Series Network Attached Storage (NAS) 



Data Sheet


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Key Business Features 

Key Business  Solutions 

Application data, virtual images, client files, email… the types of data central 
to running a successful business can seem endless. With ReadyNAS you finally 
have an advanced and easy-to use solution for centralizing, securing and 
controlling access to your digital assets.  Way more than just simple unified 
(NAS and SAN) storage for your company, ReadyNAS allows you to do more 
than you ever thought you could afford by pairing the latest in performance 
with innovative efficiency technologies such as unlimited snapshots, thin 
provisioning and cloud-managed replication.

Every networked attached storage (NAS) device from NETGEAR runs on the 
revolutionary ReadyNAS operating system. This custom-built OS protects stored 
data not only with XRAID2 automatic expansion, but is the first desktop NAS for 
the SMB to feature the continuous data protection of unlimited snapshots along 
with real-time anti-virus and native encryption. Designed specifically for the unique 
needs of small business users, ReadyNAS devices utilize proprietary ReadyCLOUD 
technology for cloud-based discovery, provisioning and even ongoing management. 
In addition, these new devices are virtualization-ready with iSCSI support, thin 
provisioning capability and certification with VMware and Microsoft.

These days, your data is your world. With ReadyNAS, protecting and accessing 
that world has never been easier.  ReadyNAS  — Storage Made EASY. 

ReadyNAS: Storage Made Easy

• Unlimited Snapshots:

 Unlimited data 

snapshot capability for on-box protection 

and flexible data recovery

• XRAID2 & Instant Provisioning:


expand capacity and feel confident knowing 

that data is always protected

• Cloud-managed Replication: 


data sets in multiple locations or ensure 

protection of data from remote or branch 

office locations

• File Server:

 Unified storage platform for 

sharing files between Windows, Mac  and 

Linux-based computers

• Backup: 

RAID redundancy with automatic 

expansion and unlimited data snapshots for 

point-in-time restore

• iSCSI and Thin Provisioning:


tools for a businesses taking advantage of 

virtual infrastructures

• Anti-virus & Encryption:

 Keep data 

protected from outside threats and safe 

from prying eyes

• Modern GUI and ReadyCLOUD  


Sleek, modern interface that 

puts the tools you need, where and when 

you need them

• Disaster Recovery: 


replication for maintaining multiple sets of 

data and performing easy restores in case 

of disaster

• Virtualization:

 Thin provisioning, iSCSI 

support and certified with VMware and 


