c. Select
The USB Storage (Basic Settings) page displays.
d. Select the
radio button.
The ReadyCLOUD page displays.
e. Enter your ReadyCLOUD user name and password and click the
The modem router is now registered with your ReadyCLOUD
3. After registration, visit
and use your
ReadyCLOUD user name and password to sign in to your account.
The ReadyCLOUD page displays the modem router that you registered
and the contents of the USB storage device that is connected to the
modem router.
Set Up VPN Service
VPN service allows remote access to your home network with a secure
connection. After you set up VPN service, you can use VPN to access the
modem router’s USB drive and media and to access your Internet service
at home.
VPN service is available for Windows computers, Mac computers, iOS
devices, and Android devices.