Channel Define Interface
This defines a channel interface, which consists of a range of devices for use by a particular NetEx/IP.
Note: a channel board must be installed before defining any channel interfaces.
Prior to selecting this button, provide the following data on the selection screen:
a name by which the interface will be identified.
On board
the name of the board on which this interface is being defined. Auto-
Define uses ‘board1’ and ‘board2’
the GNA address of the first device in the form ‘UUSS’, where ‘UU’ is
the NETADDR for this ADAPTER definition in the NCT. ‘SS’ must be
the same as the first device address lower byte. The SMGDREF defini-
tion for this ADAPTER definition in the NCT must be in the range
‘SS’ to ‘SS’ + Number of devices.
Number of devices
the number of devices being defined for this interface (4 is normally
sufficient). The maximum number of devices that can be defined per
interface definition is 16.
the unit address of the device.
For ESCON devices only
the control unit number. Up to sixteen control units can be specified, ranging
from 0-F. A unique Control Unit should be defined for each concurrent host, or
host partition, running NetEx/IP. Note: CU 0 must be used if connection is to a
Unisys system.
CHlink -
the ESCON director port number to which the channel is connected that is used
for communicating to the ESCON board. If the ESCON interface is connected
directly to the channel without going through an ESCON Director, a port num-
ber of 1 (or 01) should be specified if connection is to an IBM or Hitachi IBM-
compatible system; a port number of 2 (or 02) should be specified if connection
is to a Unisys system.
If the ESCON interface is connected from an IBM system through an ESCON
Director, but the port-to-port connection is defined as Dedicated in the channel
subsystem (HCD or IOCP), and the port-to-port connection is also defined as
Dedicated on the ESCON Director, then a port number of 1 (or 01) must be
specified. This configuration is treated the same as a point-to-point non-
switched connection.
the partition number of the host driving this interface if the channel is defined
as SHARED. If the system is running in BASIC mode, or if the system is run-
ning in LPAR mode but the channels are defined as either RECONFIGUR-
ABLE or DEDICATED, then the value specified for LPAR must be zero.
On an IBM system that supports logical channel subsystems, NESiGate is con-
figured the same way as on systems that do not support logical channel subsys-
tem. The partition number (referred to as the MIF ID) is used as the LPAR
number. It is still a number in the range of x0-xF regardless of the logical
channel subsystem number.
MAN-REF-COSW 2.10-19
Web Browser Interface