| Industrial
Configure as a new device
a) Select “I want to configure this as a new device” then click the OK button.
b) In the New Passwords section, enter a strong password in each field. You
may configure the same password for all three accounts, but it must meet the
security criteria set out below:
The password must be a minimum of eight characters and no more than 128
characters in length.
The password must contain at least one upper case, one lower case character
and one number.
The password must contain at least one special character, such as: ` ~ ! @ # $
% ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : ‘ “ , < > / ?
Additionally, the password must satisfy an algorithm which analyses the characters
as you type them, searching for commonly used patterns, passwords, names and
surnames according to US census data, popular English words from Wikipedia
and US television and movies and other common patterns such as dates,
repeated characters (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop) and
substitution of numbers for letters.
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13/11/2018 10:36:44 AM