Net to Net Technologies UIM-2E1 Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 2

The UIM-2E1 can be configured to use Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to detect line errors and 
scrutinize data integrity across the E1 line by appending, to the end of each E1 frame being 
transmitted, a hexidecimal checksum calculated from the contents of the previously transmitted E1 
frame. Remote E1 equipment makes a similar calculation upon receipt of each E1 frame and then 

compares it to the checksum of the following E1 frame. 



1.2.2   Line Code


Line code is the E1 mode of transmission. The two line code options outlined below fall within the 
International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) G.703 

Standards for Transmission Facilities.   High Density Binary 3


High Density Binary 3 (HDB3) is used to accommodate the minimum ones density requirement
in the European public network. HDB3 line encoding helps prevent loss of synchronization 
between the UIM-2E1 and remote E1 equipment by using bipolar violations to guarantee the 
presence of pulses in the E1 line.   Alternate Mark Inversion


Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) simply alternates positive and negative pulses. Although AMI 
links typically encounter long strings of zeros which can potentially cause loss of 
synchronization between units, Net to Net Technologies' products meet the European 
minimum ones density requirement internally such that, even with AMI, loss of synchronization 

is prevented between the UIM-2E1 and remote E1 equipment (just as it is with B8ZS). 


1.3   Install the UIM-2E1 


1.3.1   IP DSLAM Installation


The UIM-2E1 provides an upstream network connection, via a multiplexer uplink


module (MUM), for 

Net to Net Technologies' IP DSLAMs; neither an IP DSLAM nor a MUM can function without an uplink 
interface module (UIM).   Affix the UIM-2E1 to a MUM





Select a port on the MUM for installation of the UIM-2E1: either port (1 or 2) may be 

used. Although not required for operational purposes, if redundancy is desired two UIMs 
may be installed on a MUM, one in each port.  

Switch #3 Frame Type


Cyclic Redundancy Check


No Cyclic Redundancy Check

Switch #4 Line Code


High Density Binary 3


Alternate Mark Inversion



The UIM-2E1 can be installed on a MUM that is already in service, though you must remove the MUM 
from the IP DSLAM chassis in order to do so. 

Removal of a MUM from a powered IP DSLAM will 

not affect the operational status of other modules within the chassis; it will however, 
disengage the IP DSLAM's upstream network connection.


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