INseRt MeMoRy CaRD
Insert a Micro sD card in the
Micro sD slot. take care with
correct orientation. Do not force
the card into the slot.
PoweR oN
slide the oN/off switch to the
oN position. the PoweR LeD
will turn on.
to enable recording, slide the
HoLD switch to the off posi-
tion. to protect data from being
overwritten slide the HoLD
switch to the oN position.
staRt/stoP ReCoRDINg
Press and hold the ReCoRD/
stoP button for 3 sec. the
Record LeD will flash whilst
Warning. Do not switch off power whilst in
recording mode as all video will be lost.
UsB port
HoLD switch
Micro sD
Memory card slot
Camera lens
VideO extractiOn
CoNNeCtINg to a PC
1. Power oN the Mini DVR
before connecting the UsB
cable to a computer UsB port.
2. Connect the UsB cable to the
DVR and the PC.
f i l e s a r e s t o r e d i n t h e
DCIM\100MeDIa folder. It is
recommended that files be
copied to the PC and run from
My Computer.
Low Power LeD
Power LeD
Record LeD
VideO player
all video is recorded in apple Quicktime format.
free Quicktime Player can be downloaded from
oN/off switch