High levels of radio frequency radiation are considered health hazardous. Although
no single value of “safe radiation level” has been agreed upon by all countries,
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI/LEEE C95.1-1992) recommends
that people should not be exposed to radiation stronger than 1 milliwatt per
square centimetre at the frequencies used in the Nera WorldPro terminal.
Accordingly, the operator of the terminal should ensure that the area extending
0.5 metre from the front of the antenna be kept clear of personnel when the ter-
minal is transmitting.
Under rights given under ITU Radio Regulations, local telecommunications administrations establish and enforce
national rules and regulations governing types of emissions, power levels, and other parameters that effect the
purity of signal, which may be radiated in the various frequency bands of the radio spectrum.
To legally operate an Inmarsat terminal, it is necessary to obtain permission from the local telecommunications
regulatory authorities of the country you are operating within. Using your terminal in any country without per-
mission causes you to run the risk of confiscation of the terminal or legal action from local authorities. Normal
practice for taking telecommunications into another country is to apply for a license before travel. If a license has
not been obtained before travel, the equipment may be put into storage by local authorities until such time as a
license is obtained.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.