4.4.2 Date & Time Se
The Date & Time se
ngs tab (Figure 11) is used to set the date,
me, and
me zone. BDG-256
supports all
me zone of North America. For other parts of the world, the
me zone “World”
may be chosen.
Figure 11 Date & Time Se
4.4.3 C
Address Se
The communica
ns address se
ngs tab (Figure 12) is used to set the power line communica
address of the micro-inverters linked to the device. One BDG-256 gateway can monitor up to 255
micro inverters.Inverter-0 on the address list corresponds to the total output of all inverters
connected to the gateway
Address se
ngs can be input using either the small input panel on the touch-screen or an external
USB keyboard. The communica
n address of a micro inverter consists of the 8 hex characters (0~F)
on the BDM micro inverter bar code before the last le
er for country. Another way to input the
micro inverter communica
n address is through an internal web portal (see Sec
n 5).
Figure 12Communica
n Address Se
4.5 Backup/Clear Data
When a USB
ash disk is inserted, press the Save/Clear bu
on to call up the following dialog box
(see Figure 13).
4.3.3 M
nthly Energy
Pressing this bu
on will bring up a bar chart showing power genera
n over each month for
the last 12 months (see Figure 8). This display is similar to the Last 7 Days' Energy display. The
x-axis represents months and the current month is on the last. The y-axis represents the
amount of energy generated (kWh) in the month.
Figure 8Monthly Energy
4.3.4 Life
Pressing this bu
on brings up a bar chart showing power genera
n over each year for the
past 20 years (see Figure 9). This display is also similar to the Last 7 Days' Energy display. The
x-axis represents the years and the current year locates on the last. The y-axis represents the
amount of energy generated (kWh) in the year.
Figure 9 Yearly Energy
4.4 Se
Pressing the Se
ng bu
on will bring up the se
ngs dialogs.
4.4.1 IP Se
BDG-256's IP address may be manually set in the Ethernet se
ngs tab (Figure 10). They may
also be obtained through DHCP (requires a system restart a
er se
ng). If the IP address
must be changed, double click on the address box to bring up a small keypad on the screen.
Figure 10
Micro inverter address