Required elevator machine room, control room, machinery space or control space
lighting must not be connected to the load side of a GFCI [NEC 620.23(A)].
Required elevator hoistway pit lighting must not be connected to the load side of a GFCI
[NEC 620.24(A)].
Branch circuits supplying power sources for non-power-limited fire alarm circuits or
power-limited fire alarm circuits must not be supplied from a GFCI [NEC 760.41(B) and
Installing AFCIs and GFCIs
4.1 General
Follow manufacturer recommendations and use approved, listed parts, components, equipment
and accessories for compatibility and ratings.
AFCIs and GFCIs contain sensitive electronic components that are susceptible to damage
and contamination. Protect from damage and contamination until the time of installation.
Verify that panels boxes, etc., are sufficiently installed to receive AFCIs and GFCIs prior
to installation
Phase-control dimmers protected by AFCIs may cause nuisance tripping when switched
on. Ensure that the wattage of lamps connected to dimmers protected by AFCIs is 1000
watts or less, and that the total load does not exceed NEC permitted limits.
GFCI receptacles do not typically interfered with branch/feeder or combination AFCIs
protecting the circuit.
AFCIs are also well-suited for retrofit applications in older dwellings, including those
with 2-wire circuits without a grounding conductor.
Do not plug sensitive electronic equipment that requires an equipment grounding
conductor into GFCIs installed on two-wire branch circuits.
Do not install GFCIs while circuit conductors are energized. Install GFCIs only on de-
energized circuits.
Swab raceways dry prior to installing branch circuit conductors for GFCI-protected
circuits. Install GFCI-protected circuits in dedicated conduits. Do not combine GFCI-
protected circuits with other circuits in same raceway. Do not install more than one
GFCI-protected circuit in any raceway.
Do not protect devices in other rooms from GFCIs located in restrooms.