1.Twist Drill 5.2mm 2.Screw Tap M5x0.8
3.Installation Tool
4.Breaking Pin Tool
5.Twist Drill 6.3mm 6.Screw Tap M6x1.0
7.Installation Tool
8.Breaking Pin Tool
9.Twist Drill 8.3mm 10.Screw Tap M8x1.25
11.Installation Tool
12.Breaking Pin Tool
13.Twist Drill 10.5mm
14.Screw Tap M10x1.5
15.Installation Tool
16.Breaking Pin Tool
17.Twist Drill 12.5mm 18.Screw Tap M 12x1.75
19.Installation Tool
20.Breaking Pin Tool
Thread Insert 5mm Thread Insert 6mm
Thread Insert 8mm Thread Insert 10mm
Thread Insert 12mm
Carefully remove the product from the packaging and examine it for any sign of
damage that may have happened during shipping. Lay the contents out and
check them against the parts shown below. If any part is damaged or missing;
please contact the seller and do not attempt to use the product .