Backup time
Indicates how long the connected load can be supplied with
energy in the event of a grid failure. This depends on the
continuous load.
C10 value
Capacity of the battery when discharged in 10 hours.
CAN terminal
Controller Area Network (CAN), a standard for the serial
CAT-5e cable
Identifies the quality of a UTP network cable.
Charge cycle
A cycle is understood to be charging from 50% to 100% and
discharging to 50% again.
Contact numbering
Connection contact numbers of a relay.
DC disconnection switch
Switch used to disconnect the DC circuit between the
PowerRouter and solar strings.
Depth of Discharge of the battery.
Drill template
Paper template to help drill the holes for the PowerRouter
mounting bracket in exactly the right position.
Dynamic feed-in limiter
This enables the PowerRouter to limit the amount of energy
fed into the grid. The sensor measures the power at the grid
connection point to ensure that the set limit is adhered to.
ElectroStatic Discharge.
External conductor
In the light network, the “external conductor” is the wire
which has an electrical coupling with the light network
voltage. Together with the Neutral conductor, the external
conductor guides the electrical current from and to the
connected devices. The external conductor is normally
identified with the designation L1, L2 or L3 in a circuit
Float charging
Charging the battery with a fixed voltage.
Grid impedance
Impedance measured from the source to the load and from
the load back to the source.
Load management
Connecting an additional consumer if extra solar energy is
Maintenance charging
Periodic charging cycle to fully charge the battery.