Prepare for cleaning
Before cleaning your device, it is important to
allow your device to completely cool down in
order to avoid injuries. Once cooled, detach
your chamber cap and prepare your device for
cleaning by brushing away any loose leaf.
Detaching the mouthpiece
To detach or replace your mouthpiece, grip it
tightly between your thumb and forefinger and pull
it out. The bearings secure it in place so don’t be
shy of using force when pulling it out.
Cleaning the mouthpiece
Soak a pipe cleaner with isopropyl alcohol (ISO)
and scrub the inside of the mouthpiece. Wipe away
the ISO using a clean/dry pipe cleaner. You can
clean the outside of the mouthpiece with a cloth
dipped in ISO.
Note: Regularly cleaning your device will improve its lifespan and flavour.