Page 1: ...MTRACLT KN ITTER Instructions...
Page 2: ...position Buttonholcs 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 t0 t0 t2 13 13 t4 l6 22 24 25 s 7t 28 29 30 32 Ncck opeDinSE 17 Shaping for seat o knickcrs l8 Heels and to s 19 Dsrts 19 Pockets m Shoulder shapiDg 2l Kr...
Page 3: ...dex bar for numbering needles lrom 00 in the centre to 80 at each side l6l needles 7 162 small pins altamating with the needles on the edgr of the needlc bed 8 Levers lor fixing machine on 10 the tabl...
Page 4: ...l into the holder behind th machine base and screw in tightly 1 I Slip the front slide and tlrc back castors oI the cam box under the treo rails of the needle bed the rubber vrheels should be next to...
Page 5: ...less force will be needed Needles which are out of use should be l cked ight alaillst the back rajt The two small selecting combs are used to select needles lor a few rows for exanple every 2nd 4ah o...
Page 6: ...e the machine in sunlight near heat or in a damp place To avoid the machine getting rusiy when in damp climates it is recom mended that all the metal parts be oiled regularly needles raiis and cam box...
Page 7: tension with the first knob on the cam box up the one nearest to ihe work to avoid the sudden change in tension breaking the wool On the other hand il the stitches are made smallor during the cour...
Page 8: ...loop Pull the wool up between ihe 3rd and 4lh Deedles and so on Iooping it round ach needle Do not pull the loops too tisht When a1l the needles brought lorward hold a casting on loop push the needles...
Page 9: ...note How the selvedge stitch is formed At the beginning oi a row the yarn should come from underneath the needle rhe stitch should slip behind rhe latch Nheo the needle come for ward and ahewool shou...
Page 10: ...lthe saitches from the first row are hooked on to the coresponding needles push the Deedles back to position 2 usual knitting posilion The stitches of the last row close the latchcs otr to the stitche...
Page 11: ...edles Knit two row6 Stitches will form automatically on the empty neealles aDd tlrc row oI holes will be complete An attractive picot edge can be obtained by makhg a row of holes in the middle oI a kn...
Page 12: ...hind the latch and the nexi stitch in front Pull the latch tool down so that the 2nd stitch slips through the first one Then slip this stitch behind the latch of the latch tool take up the following s...
Page 13: trumbq of additioMl needles open latches and cast one stitch on to each empty needle as if you were beginning a gar ment see ordinary casting on beginning by the ne dle next to the selvedge stitch...
Page 14: ...lrc wool horizontally just after tte last stitch which has treeD knitted the last row uo avels and tlrc Eeceditrg row hooks oD to the rc dles If only one row has to be undone it will be found that the...
Page 15: ...nd pufl it though the stitch in tle same way Pick the stitch up in this vay until the top is rcached the stitch should always b behind the latch and the strand itr front e Ribbing or patterns can be m...
Page 16: ...sition 3 Lift the first knob on the cam box that near st to the work and knit one row The needles in posilion I will knit up automatically with the olhers Remember to lowcr the knob atter the first ro...
Page 17: the width of the buttonhole the stitches slip bchind the latches Lay a separate length of wool in lront of the latches of these needles and push tlrcm back a Iitde until the stitches close the lat...
Page 18: ...ening simultaneously see chapter on this subject Supposing that the cam box is on the right put the 80lelt hand needles inlo the holding position knit the 40 rcmaining necdles put these also into the...
Page 19: ...mpty needles right to tte back break off the wool slide the cam box over to the left selvedge leave the 20 needles to thc right of the neck in the holding position plus 5 neealles 25 needlB knit two r...
Page 20: ...g position put a sacond needle into thc holding positiod on thc othcr sidc and coDtinuc in this way until there arc 9 needlcs in the holding position on cach sidc Starting ftom the insidc on tbe side...
Page 21: ...there arc the same rumber of stitches as at the beginning Incr ase also insid the selvedge stitch Example lor Dockets 30 stitches wide a On the Straight The cam box being otr the ght put into the hold...
Page 22: the holding position pass tle rool under the last needle in the holding position put 8 more Deedles into the holding position and so otr until the 40 needles have been put ioto the holding position...
Page 23: ...dt beyond tte tabdc Thc needles will have autom4tically returDed to positiotr 3 Check thai the stitches are all behj d the latches aDd the latches all ope Lower the dght haDd ktrob aDd lifi the left h...
Page 24: may be slackened as much as is necessary to transfer it more easily on to the adjacent needle bought fonvard whetr knitting without the yarn guide it will first be rccessary to put the stitches hy...
Page 25: ...The knobs on the cam box Th 3 Lnob6 dorn Normal knitting with yarn gl ide The 3 Lnoi6 up r To slide the cam box aqoss the needlos without moving them evon itr the midalle of a row Th Dlddle Lmb up a...
Page 26: ...with plain side facing you take up with the daming needle a loop from the selvedg of each side on the plain side working on tlle plain side atrd leaving tle selvedge stitch on each side take up wit l...
Page 27: ...p 2 stitches in the two ye transf r bodkiD atrd ttr next 2 stitches in the other transfer bodkin cross the stitches puttiDg the 2left hand stitches on to the 2 empty ne dles and vice ve a Irave the ne...
Page 28: ...ition 3 Take another length of wool of thc same kind lay it on the needles be ginning at the cam box side and slide thc cam box across all knobs down 2 rows have been knitted simultaneously one rorv w...
Page 29: ...ll the needles back inlo action position 3 and knit 2 rows in thc second colour Slide thc cam box across rlltout working lefi and right hand knobs up the cam box is now on tbe samc side as the 6rst co...
Page 30: ...ach 4th inio the holding position knit 2 rows put these needles into the knitting position knit 1 row Rep at the 3 above rows bringing always tlle same needles forwa d each time Put each 2nd needle wh...
Page 31: ...acrcss nee lles in position 3 knit the second colour and rcmoin itt position 2 until the main colow appean again tthich knilJ a the needles See photo 12 Put each 2nd fleedle into position 3 and knit...
Page 32: ...knit both colours put each 2nd needle into position 3 the same as at the 2nd row knit both colous Repeat the 4 above rcws Put all the edles irto position 3 knit I row with both colours tllen knit 2 r...
Page 33: ...epeal hom the b ginning Middle knob up Black wool on needles A pos 3 knit 2 rows needles B pos 2 White wool on needles B pos 3 knit 2 rows needles A pos 2 Repeat from the beginning but moving the need...
Page 34: ...Lay our Andr6 Masnejan Ccneva ftiotcd in Spilzerland Inprimeries Populaires Geneva...