Communicating with Your NEC Versa 6-9
Launch the connection wizard and follow the on-screen prompts to configure your
system for internet access.
The Windows 98 Internet Connection Wizard automatically configures your dial-up
connection. Next, enter your logon and password to establish a live connection. Once
the live connection is established, launch your internet browser to access the Internet or
launch your email application to send and receive email.
If you are connected to a LAN, your live connection is already established. Simply
launch your internet browser or email application.
Internet Connection Wizard in Windows 95
To access the Internet Connection Wizard in Windows 95, go to Start, Programs,
Accessories, Internet Tools, Get on the Internet. The Windows 95 Internet Connection
Wizard offers the following choices:
Take advantage of the Microsoft Internet Referral Service by allowing the wizard to
automatically configure your account.
Manually configure an internet account or connect through a local area network.
Use your current account information to establish an internet connection.
Launch the connection wizard and follow the on-screen prompts to configure your
system for internet access.
Connecting to the Internet in Windows 95
Once you have configured an internet account you must establish a live connection
before accessing the internet or sending and receiving email. Simply double click My
Computer, double click Dial-Up Networking, double click your dial-up connection
icon, and enter your logon and password to establish a live connection. Once the live
connection is established, launch your internet browser to access the Internet or launch
your email application to send and receive email.
If you are connected to a LAN, your live connection is already established. Simply
launch your internet browser or email application.
Connecting to the Internet in Windows NT
In Windows NT, use the operating system’s network configuration options to establish
your internet connection. For details about using the network configuration options,
refer to the Windows NT online help.