Ambient Light Measurement window
Ambient Light Measurement
tool allows measurements to be taken of the ambient light of the viewing
environment around the display monitor. This feature is only available when using a supported color sensor.
Currently supported color sensors are:
X-Rite/GretagMacbeth Eye-One Display V2
X-Rite/GretagMacbeth Eye-One Pro
X-Rite ColorMunki
Datacolor Spyder3
These measurements are useful in determining the optimal viewing conditions for the area surrounding the
display monitor. Ideally the ambient light level and color temperature should not influence the viewing of images
on the display screen.
Follow the instructions on-screen for configuring the color sensor for Ambient Light measurement mode.
Measurements are taken every few seconds and updated on the display as both a Luminance value and
approximate color temperature value.
Note: The Datacolor Spyder3 ambient light sensor measures luminance only and not color temperature.