Secondary cache, 1-5
Security, 2-23
options, 2-23
supervisor password, 2-23
Serial interface, 1-15
specifications, 1-16
Setup, 2-1
main menu parameters, 2-15
minitower, 2-1
Setup and Operation, 2-1
unpacking, 2-1
Setup utility, 2-11
advanced menu, 2-21
boot menu, 2-25
boot options, 2-19
exit menu, 2-26
IDE adapters, 2-16
integrated peripherals menu, 2-21
main menu, 2-13
main menu options, 2-15
memory cache, 2-19
numlock, 2-20
parameters, 2-11
power menu, 2-24
security menu, 2-23
startup, 2-12
using, 2-13
SIMM installation, 3-13
SIMM upgrade, 3-9
SIMMs, 1-9
removal, 5-4
Sound board
audio connector, A-16
Speakers, 1-19
Specifications, 1-23
CD-ROM reader, D-1
hard disk, C-1
storage device installation, 3-17
device cables, 3-18
device preparation, 3-18
device slots, 3-17
minitower device, 3-25
System board, 1-2
chip sets, 1-4
features, 1-2
flash ROM, 1-6
infrared interface, 1-16
integrated audio, 1-18
integrated graphics, 1-11
interrupt controller, 1-10
ISA bus, 1-13
jumper settings, B-1
parallel interface, 1-14
PCI local bus, 1-13
PCI/IDE ports, 1-14
processor, 1-5
removal, 5-17
secondary cache, 1-5
video memory, 1-12
System cleaning,
System configuration, 2-11
System memory, 1-9
upgrade path, 1-10
beep codes,
diagnosing and solving problems, 4-6
error messages,
Unpacking, 2-1
Video memory, 1-12
Video Resolutions, 1-12
Video upgrade, 3-14