Changing Your Passcode
To change your passcode, proceed as follows:
Press the ADJUST button.
• The “PASSCODE?” screen will be displayed.
Enter the four digit current passcode using the “1” through “0”
buttons. Press ENTER.
• The “ADJUST” menu will be displayed.
Use the CURSOR
button to highlight the “7/
PASSCODE” line. Press ENTER to display the “PASSCODE”
menu. You can also select the “PASSCODE” menu directly by
pressing the INPUT “7” button.
Use the CURSOR
button to select “1/ENTRY”. Press
ENTER to display the “CURRENT PASSCODE?” menu. You
can also select the “CURRENT PASSCODE?” menu directly by
pressing the INPUT “1” button.
Enter the four digit passcode (the current passcode) using the “1”
through “0” buttons.
1) Each time you press the INPUT button, an asterisk will
appear under the “CURRENT PASSCODE?” message.
2) Once you have finished entering the four digit passcode, press
NOTE: If you have made an error, press the NORMAL button to
delete the asterisk “
”. Then re-enter the correct passcode. To
delete all the entered digits, hold down the CTL button then
press the NORMAL button.
3) If the entered passcode is correct, the “NEW PASSCODE?”
screen will be displayed.
NOTE: If the passcode is not correct, the “WARNING DIFFER-
ENT PASSCODE!!” message is displayed. You will be required
to enter the correct current passcode.
– A D J U S T –
1 / S I G N A L E N T R Y
2 / F O C U S
3 / A L I G N M E N T
4 / C O N V E R G E N C E
5 / K E L V I N
6 / R , G , B G A I N
7 / P A S S C O D E
8 / O P T I O N
9 / R E F . A D J U S T
– P A S S C O D E –
1 / E N T R Y
2 / D I S A B L E
C U R R E N T P A S S C O D E ?