3. Convenient Features
(In the above example, Windows screens are omitted for clarification.)
4. Drag the selected [
] mark to the point you wish to correct and drop it.
• When you click somewhere within the project image area, the nearest corner will go to the position where the
mouse cursor is.
5. Repeat Step 3 and 4 to correct the distortion of the projected image.
6. After completing, right-click the mouse.
The green frame and the mouse pointer will disappear from the projected image area. This will complete the
7. Click the “X” (close) button on the “4-point Correction” window.
The “4-point Correction” window will disappear and the 4-point correction will take effect.
8. Click the “
”(Projection) icon and then the “
”(Exit) button.
9. Click “Yes”.
• After performing the 4-point correction, you can save the 4-point correction data to the projector by clicking “File”
“Export to
the projector…” on the “4-point Correction” window.
• See the Help of Image Express Utility Lite for operating “4-point Correction” window and other functions than GCT.