User’s Manual
IECUBE2 main (QB-V850E2)
ZUD-CD-10-0092 10/19
(1) Hardware break function
The hardware break function is used to observe the CPU bus cycles and set a break for a specific fetch or
access operation. For example, a break can be set by detecting a state where an address has been
executed or a variable has been accessed. For states that can be set, see
“Event function”
Caution The address for which a break has been set is at a position ahead of the address where an
actual access has occurred, because the break set for the access (write, read) is detected at an
MEM stage or a WB stage on the CPU pipeline.
(2) Software break function
The software break function is used to set a break when a specific address has been executed (fetched).
(3) Timer overflow break function
This function is used to set a break when a time set by using the time measurement function has elapsed.
For example, if the execution time of a function must be 2 ms, a break can be set when at least 2 ms have
elapsed between starting and ending the function. This function and the trace function can be used
together to find the source that has taken time.
(4) Forced break function
This function is used to forcibly stop a program when it is desired to be stopped.
(5) Trace full break function
This function is used to stop a program when the trace memory is full.