NEC Express5800/R120h-2E
NEC Corporation
Revision 6.0
– January 2019
Conditions for mixing of Internal Drives after shipment
RAID controller is required for mixing of Internal Drives
Mixed Internal Drives cannot be installed in the same RAID array.
When using hot spare disk for different RAID arrays which consist of various type of drives, assign “Dedicated Hot Spare” to each
RAID arrays with the same type of drive, to prevent from mixing different type of drives in a RAID array. “Global Hot Spare” cannot
be used
Mixing of different type of drives
Two types of drive can be installed in standard drive cage (8slots) and optional drive cage (8slots), in total, up to four types of drive
using both cages. There is nine “type”, such as SAS HDD 10,000rpm(512n), SAS HDD 10,000rpm(512e), SAS HDD
15,000rpm(512n), SAS HDD 7,200rpm(512e), SATA HDD 7,200rpm(512n), SATA HDD 7,200rpm(512e), SATA SSD(ME/VE/RI).
See some examples as below.