The 700-Series Servo Amplifier (hereafter 700-Series, or just 700) is a component in a NEAT closed-loop
position-control system. The system is driven by a user-program in a PC-based controller card. The 700-
Series is the link between the Controller card and the servomotors in that, for each axis, it accepts a position-
error voltage from the controller, amplifies it, and forms suitable waveforms for the servomotors.
This manual describes the various NEAT systems that are available. For a first-time buyer however, the obvi-
ous question is: which system will best fit my needs? First-time buyers should discuss their requirements with
a NEAT applications engineer before purchasing any equipment.
Section 1-1 System Descriptions
This section will illustrate the role played by the 700-Series for both a single-axis and a 2-axis system.
Section 1-1.1 Single-Axis System
Figure 1-1, Single Axis System, shows the principal components of a single-axis NEAT position-control system.
Figure 1-1 Single-Axis System