High Speed
Access Point
Another WEP key generation method is by inserting the key values directly from
the keyboard. And click on the write to AP NVRAM. Select the Key number and
use Key for accessing between Access Point and clients. If the Key is not entered
correctly, a client cannot access the resources. As the wireless channel is more
prone to the illegal access, WEP provides users safe access.
Click the
tab to open the
card (
Figure 11
). All InstantWave Access Points
are delivered with a default IP of and a default subnet mask of If you wish to change the defaults, set each AP to its new IP
address before introducing it to the open network. All APs within the same
network must have the same TCP/IP subnet address.
Figure 11. Configuration/IP
From the IP tab you may view or modify the Access Point
configure its subnet mask, or add a default gateway (see the note below).
Note: An AP will transfer SNMP respond packets (confirmation packets) to its
APMS PC directly if it is within the same LAN (the same subnet mask). If a
SNMP respond packet from an AP is destined for an APMS PC on another
LAN, then the SNMP respond packet needs to go through a router-gateway.
The default gateway is the path to that router. If you set the correct default
gateway, then you can use an APMS manager (i.e. the PC running APMS)
physically located in a different subnet to manage this AP.
After making any changes, click the
button to make the changes effective
immediately, without closing the dialog box, or click
to accept the changes and
close the box. Clicking
Add to APMS Host Table
will add the information to the
host table referred to by the APMS program.